“a tall girl with a cascade of honey-blond hair and striking Norwegian-model-type features, piercing blue eyes, full, pouty, collagen-packed lips, and the willowy figure of a runway fashion princess.

Her love for Evan is a little more nauseating in this sequel than in the first, but I am glad that this whole situation introduces us to a minor but fascinating character called Grace. Yancey's characters are so different and have so many layers that I don't believe for a second that the author was chanelling his own beliefs through Cassie, but that didn't stop me from hating her slut-shaming and self-righteousness. I am relieved that Yancey chose to write in a style that moves from perspective to perspective effectively because she might have driven me crazy otherwise. The most annoying thing about this book is Cassie. Here things go from bad to worse people are lost, distrust lingers between the characters, these kids have had to grow up faster than kids ever should. We finished the first after a huge climax of action and drama the secrets were out, covers had been blown, we were suddenly dropped into the middle of a war that only escalated with this second book. The Infinite Sea, however, is a different kind of book. I, personally, thought it was one of the book's strengths. I think the first book is a quieter novel, which had different effects on different readers. How baffling it is that we imagined cities incinerated by alien bombs and death rays when all they needed was Mother Nature and time.” Fire will consume the things we made from wood and plastic and rubber and cloth, then water and wind and time will chew the stone and steel into dust. “The world will burn for a hundred years. If you were a little worried that Yancey wouldn't be able to pull out another good 'un after The 5th Wave - don't be. but, overall, it is a worthy sequel that didn't fail to punch me in the gut numerous times. This book has more flaws and not quite as much eerie atmosphere now the big secrets are out. There is something so utterly compelling about Yancey's writing that makes me think we would be great friends in real life. And, what can I say? I really needn't have worried. My expectations were so high that I knew it was dangerous. When I opened this book I was both excited and nervous. The atmosphere was just right, the writing was engaging to me, and I thought each of the characters brought something important to the table. I read it in the middle of my college exams and it was the only thing that kept me sane in between studying.